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为了更好 的宣传推广自己,并把自己的产品让客户更好的了解,特意设计制作了该本产品样册。我们宁波鄞州甬邦广告公司从产品的拍摄到后面的产品CAD制图绘画到样册的排版再到最后的样本印刷一条龙服务下来,让客户很是满意,还帮客户介绍了网站制作公司来帮忙宣传该工厂的产品销售,基本上是为客户提供全方位的广告服务了。

In order to better promote themselves and let customers know their products, this product sample book is specially designed and made. Our Ningbo Yinzhou Yongbang advertising company has provided a one-stop service from product shooting to product CAD drawing and painting, to sample book layout, and then to the final sample printing, which has satisfied the customers. We also introduced the website production company to help publicize the product sales of the factory, basically providing customers with a full range of advertising services.